At Delta Academies Trust we are committed to ensuring that learners get the best possible start in life by achieving excellent academic qualifications, gaining confidence through an experiential curriculum, and developing a sense of self-worth and aspiration.
Our family of schools is made up of 52 academies, including 33 primaries, 16 secondaries and three alternative provisions. Predominantly based around Yorkshire and the Humber, we meet regularly, share resources and ideas and employ a large team of specialist primary and secondary experts who work and teach across our schools.

This approach has given staff great resources and allowed pupils and students to flourish and achieve. We are proud to be one of the highest performing trusts in the country (primary and secondary). We are committed to supporting and improving educational outcomes for communities in the North of England. As a Trust, we have strong partnerships with Thrive and Voice 21.
Across Delta Multi Academy Trust we embed ICT into the whole curriculum allowing pupils to consolidate their computing skills and their digital literacy. We are well-resourced with a variety of tablets and laptops, and strengthen computer links with home through apps and online learning including Purple Mash, Sway, OneNote, Teams, and Seesaw, to name just some.
As one of the highest performing EdTech Demonstrators, we believe in a learning-centred approach to using technology, utilising teacher skill and effective pedagogy, which transforms outcomes for all children.
So far, we have supported around 120 schools in realising their vision and intentions. Whilst we might be able to provide solutions, the most important thing is for us to work with you on ‘your’ solution for your specific needs, so that it caters to all the needs of your pupils, parents, and staff. You are the experts of your setting and through working together, we can ensure the most effective practice is in place.
We do this through a mixture of Live training sessions and the access to our digital platform. Here you can find pre-recorded CPD which supports all teachers to quickly feel confident with practical strategies, putting them in a position of growth, where they can embrace the potential technology can have on learning. We also hold conferences that are free to any partner. Our most recent EdTech week included 11 sessions on areas across the curriculum, delivered by a range of experts. It was attended by over 500 people, including international delegates. The average feedback from all delegates, across all sessions was 4.7 out of 5.
Our support is applicable across a range of devices and software. It is underpinned by pedagogy development, supported by policy and protocols across all phases from Early Years to post 16.
Areas where EdTechTogether can support
Extending the provision and support for parents into the home. Giving parents a renewed level of confidence to support learning.
Using multimedia asynchronous support to continue the highest levels of practice, so that parents are empowered, confident and accurate in support their children learning to read.
1 to 1 tuition
Effective use of technology with purpose. Maximising the expertise in school to improve capacity and quality of tuition.
IT implementation strategies
This includes cost saving strategies, streamlining systems and even going paperless.
Power BI
From initial set up to using it for high impact. Highly efficient and effective practice giving people more time ‘doing’ than crunching the numbers.
Using data to lead strategically
Self-assessment and closing the gap multimedia tool
This allows the children to identify gaps in learning, access tutorials and support, then complete follow up questions to confirm they have closed gaps.
SEND implementation of Graduated response
Effective use of technology for pure differentiation and also translating what we know is effective during times of remote learning.
Setting up and creating; Multimedia handbooks, Multimedia inductions, Multimedia training resources, and multimedia newsletters.
Purposeful and engaging systems that supports your culture and community.
Using technology to rapidly address gaps and maximise teacher impact for low levels of time investment.
Exclusion/ step out curriculum support
A new stage that supports our vulnerable pupils whilst continuing access to their curriculum and learning in line with peers.
Using technology for efficient and effective use of teacher workload
In particular, marking and feedback strategies, in class use of technology to support learning.
All aspects of remote learning
If you are interested in getting support from us, log onto the Edtech Expression of Interest page and make sure you select Delta Academies Trust as the demonstrator so we can start to work together straight away.